Tim English, Creator and Voice of Reel Hooligans

    Location: Kansas City, (United States) |  Twitter: @tbenglish Our Boss Hooligan is also a film critic for Scene-Stealers.com and has been seen on KC Live on KSHB (NBC) and Better KC on KCTV (CBS.) He is a board member for the Kansas City Film Critics Circle and the Independent Filmmakers Coalition of Kansas City, and […]

  • 2017 Movie Reviews
    ‘Baywatch’ drowns in its own stupidity

    Vulgar jokes constantly misfire in this big screen adaptation Here’s the thing about the Baywatch movie. It could have been pretty damn funny. The concept is so ridiculous it begs to be the subject of satire. Unfortunately, the studio or filmmakers (likely both) decided to push the raunch factor and just hope people are so entertained […]

    Write for Reel Hooligans!

    Do you love to write? Good…cuz we need writers! Do you love dissecting movie trailers or nitpicking the latest casting rumors? We like your style! Are you the number one fan of some badass TV show that nobody appreciates as much as they should? Tell us what we’re missing! Do you just need an outlet […]

  • David Cain
    David’s Worst of 2016

    This brings us to the bad….I will say it, the awful trash of 2016. These movies, well, they are not worth your time or money. Yes, I paid to see them, and part of me died with each one. DC, you are the gift that keeps giving when it comes to movies we get to […]