Episode 119: A Reel Hooligan NYE Celebration

    Carrie Fisher, Get LOST, and Hooligans on New Years! The final episode of 2016 is here and holy hell. Look, what do you expect from a bunch of Hooligans? This week, Tim and David reflect on the passing of Carrie Fisher and start a new segment, GET LOST (because David is watching Lost), and review […]

    111: Reel Hooligans present ‘Hooliween 2016’

    Scary movies. Ghosts. Monsters. And a bunch of Hooligans. Yes! It’s that time — FINALLY!! Our big Halloween or as we call it — HOOLIWEEN. Tim and David are joined by Lonita Cook; Alan Rapp and Jeff Owens from the Kansas City Film Critics Circle; and Nick Leach. Topics include fav Halloween traditions, and movie reviews of Shin […]

    107: The Reel Hooligans TV Episode

    Got a favorite show? What should you be watching? This week it’s all about TV — okay, maybe not all about TV — Tim reviews Sully, the latest from Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood. Otherwise, it’s all about TV. Tim is joined by David and Alex and they discuss what’s worth watching and movies that […]

    106: Reel Hooligans Go Back to School

    College…High School…What are the best movies about institutions of education? The Hooligans are back and as the seasons begin to turn, they head BACK TO SCHOOL — discussing some of their favorite school themed movies. Your fearless host, Tim English and his sidekick, David Cain, welcome the return of Alex Young as they pay their […]

    103: Reel Hooligans versus The Civil War Guys

    Whose side are you on? Captain America or Iron Man? We all hate it when our friends fight. Unless it’s a bunch of comic book super heroes, then…whatever. Join the Reel Hooligans as they take on the new Marvel blockbuster, Captain America: Civil War. It’s a jam-packed episode. Bryan O’Connor returns for another round of […]