207: Reel Hooligans versus Steven Spielberg

    Spielberg. Baby Driver. And where did Han Solo go wrong? In this very special episode of Reel Hooligans, the boys take on the legend himself, Steven Spielberg. Tim and David welcome Michael Smith and Jeremy Werner from Media Mikes’ Behind the Mikes Podcast to talk all things Spielberg. A lot of important questions are raised this week on Reel Hooligans. What went wrong […]

  • NEWS
    Why firing the directors from ‘Han Solo’ may be a bad sign

    Nobody ever wants to be fired but it happens all the time. Actors, directors….crew members are literally replaced constantly in Hollywood. Of course, those exchanges tend to happen before a movie begins filming. When a director — or in this case, directors — are fired with less than 3 weeks left in principle filming, you […]